When I first meet many of my clients, they often ask me, “why shouldn't I just sell or trade in my car and be done with it?” For many people, they are so frustrated with their car's warranty problems that they just want to get rid of the car and move on with their lives. Often, they are willing to sell or trade-in their car for less than it is worth or less than its loan balance. Even if they break even, I always tell them, there is a better option out there for you: The Lemon Law.
California's lemon law, aka The Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act is one of the strongest in the nation. And that's great news for you. If you are driving a lemon, you are entitled to much more than the current value of your car. If you have a lemon, the manufacturer is obligated to buy back your car and refund your money.
What does this mean? Basically, it means that the you will be paid the value of the car when you purchased it, not the value of your car today. Your car's value today, includes lots of depreciation. The law undoes your contract and tries to put you in the position you were before you bought your car. With the lemon law, you can recover the following costs:
- The purchase price of your car
- Tax, license, fees
- Registration
- Repair costs that you paid
- Towing costs that you have
- Rental car costs
The only thing that the manufacturer doesn't have to pay for are parts or options that were not installed by the manufacturer. They may also deduct an amount that is a mileage fee that accounts for the use of the car prior to you bringing it in for service the first time for its warranty problem. The lemon law also requires the manufacturer to pay for your attorney's fees and costs.
When you add all this up, you will likely end up with much more in your pocket by hiring a lemon law attorney to fight on your behalf rather than just selling your car. It may take a little bit more time, but it will be worth it if your car is a lemon. I understand your frustration, but don't let the manufacturer and dealer off the hook. We are here to help you get the justice you deserve and will fight for you every step of the way.
If you think you have a lemon, contact The Lemon Lawyer today at 1-844-227-7762 or www.thelemonlawyer.com. In five minutes we can evaluate your case and will let you know whether you have a case against your manufacturer.
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